Hello, my name is
And I'm a
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About me

I'm Aniket and I'm a

Hello, I am currently in the final year of my Integrater Masters' program (B.Tech + M. Tech) at IIT BBSR and looking for opportunities. I always keep myself in a constant learning mode because I know, it would help me achieve set targets. I love to interact with people and collaborate in a team to help build a positive work environment. I have acquired leadership and mentorship skills from the positions that I have earlier held during my school and college years. My work areas include/will include (but are not limited to) - Web Design & Development, Software Development, Financial Modeling, Portfolio Managment and risk Assessment, etc. I would love to connect with people with similar interests.

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My Key Projects

To-Do Website

    Made the fully responsive To-Do webpage using HTML, CSS, JavaScript & React Js, Node Js. Various filters are also added to the website to view the completed and non-completed tasks.

    It uses the local storage of the user to store the to-do’s (objects) so that when starting the webpage again, it retains all the data last saved.

Financial Modeling

    Developed a financial model with avg DSCR = 17.63 (ratio of operating income to debt) suggesting that the con-struction company will have operating revenue equal to 17 times the debt service.

    Cashflows reflected a return on investment of 400% on the investment of 3 crores & an Internal rate of return (IRR) of ~ 77% for the tenure of 12 years. Also, Received recommendation from senior Internship coordinator.

Weather webpage

    Made the weather website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React Js, Node Js, and a third-party API that can give the real-time weather information of all the major cities in the world.

    Used Bootstrap library to implement the CSS & the app can show the real-time data of the requested place including latitude, longitude, temp, humidity, wind speed, and overall weather conditions.

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

I have worked in various fields but mainly in Finance and software. I have worked as Project Designer for Vasitars, I have gained experience in equity analyst and Investment banking through LIVE projects from Finlatics. I have also designed & developed this website along with some other websites which are described in the projects section. I also have experience in derivatives trading (F&O) with a good grasp of options strategies. I am aspiring to start a career in UI (frontend) design and development.

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React.Js & Node.Js 50%
C++ & DSA 90%
CSS & Bootstrap 60%
HTML 80%
Javascript 70%

Contact me

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Aniket R. Charjan
Nagpur, Maharashtra, INDIA